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광통신 부품


Low Capacitance Photodiodes

for use in 1310-nm and 1550-nm

Analog Applications

Photodetectors for Analog Applications
Package Wavelength Responsivity(mW/mA) 1310/1550nm Frequency-Bandwidth Part Number
Coaxial Pigtail 1100-1650nm 0.85/0.95 1GHz Max. PD1000-xx-xx-H-B
Coaxial Pigtail 1100-1650nm 0.85/0.95 3GHz Typ. PD3000-xx-xx-H-B
Receptacle Metalic SC 1100-1600nm 0.75/0.8 3GHz Typ. MRPD3000-SC-xx
Receptacle Metalic SC 1100-1600nm 0.75/0.8 3GHz Typ. MRPD3100-SC-xx
Receptacle SC 1100-1650nm 0.8/0.85 3GHz Typ. RPD3000-SA-xx-H-B